What is Halal Certification

The Halal International Certification Organization (HICO) are officers who have had education and experience in slaughtering of animals and birds. Certifying organizations of food ingredients and non-food products (i.e. HICO) employ officers who have updated knowledge in food science and technology and, supervision of food processing, and in product derivatives. These officers are able to effectively monitor and communicate with the industry on matters that are considered sensitive. Halal International Certification Organization (HICO) is looked upon as a business partner because we are able to advise and assist the industry in slaughtering, production, quality control, product flow systems, hygiene, sanitizing, packaging, labeling, transportation and storage. HICO has religious advisers /consultants to advice in matters related to proper slaughtering procedures and ingredient approval from religious points of view. The religious advisers are aided by scientific knowledge and technology so that they can give sound opinions and specify guidelines.  HICO keeps a detailed account and data on production procedures including receiving and storage of raw materials, processing, packaging, labeling, transportation and storage of finished products.
Records need to be maintained on the inspector’s audits and findings during his/her visits. The inspectors and supervisors have control over the use of the organization’s names and Halal symbols. If HICO ceases to certify a plant or a product the organization, they also cancel the authorization of the plant’s right to use the organization’s name and / or symbol on those products. In addition, HICO Halal certifiers are always mindful of legislations and regulations in both exporting and importing countries.